Tuesday 25 June 2013

Fudging the First Novel

So, as The Sound of the Sea starts to take shape (43,000 words and counting), I'm drawn back to edit another novel, which I first started in 2007, called The Apple House. I'm not entirely sure if this is a good idea or not.
The Apple House was my first novel. I started looking at it again when I was trying to tidy my study last week. I'm very fond of it and all the characters in it, even though it has lain in a drawer, unpublished and unloved, apart from by me, like a forgotten bridesmaid at a wedding.
I made all my mistakes with The Apple House. I made things vastly complicated with multiple narrative points of view (five in all) and didn't write things in a linear fashion, so the action jumps about from scene to scene.
Unsurpisingly, structurally it's a bit dodgy too (note my use of posh literary technical terms). Scenes are either too short or repeat things that have already been described by another character, 10 pages earlier.
All these things a kindly publisher told me, when they critiqued The Apple House for me some years back. Having since gone through the rigmarole of trying to get an agent, written two and a half more novels (the half is a whole other story), applied for grants and attended numerous literary events, I realise just how kind this gentle critique from the publisher was.
So every year or so, I take out The Apple House again, try to iron out a few more of its numerous mistakes and fall in love with the characters all over again. Now, I'm thinking that I might try to dislodge one of the five narrative points of view and see if the story will stand up without one of them and risk the whole thing collapsing, like a house of cards.

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