Tuesday 21 May 2013

What's in a name?

So I seem to have managed to get the novel into first gear anyway. I took all the bits of false ‘starts’ , stuck them into one folder on the computer, labelled the chapters and read through the whole thing. I realised that I had given the main character three separate names and none of them was right. So she’s now called Clare, which was the name of a minor character but in a scene of dialogue between the two, I had accidentally called the main character ‘Clare’ and it stuck.

After my main character became Clare, the story started to come together a little more. So maybe the naming of characters is more important than I thought it was.

A writing colleague also mentioned something else. I always had a ‘fear of influence’, you know, that whatever I was reading would somehow seep into the first draft of my novel and get mixed up with my own voice. Well, my colleague suggested that because I was dipping in and out of all sorts of projects (short stories for magazines, trying to market and edit a previous novel, teaching) that I was possibly being influenced by other characters from my own writing J. So maybe there’s something to be said for just focusing on one thing at a time…

Monday 13 May 2013

getting started

What happens when you can't seem to get started with writing a new novel? I've been trying to take the plunge since Christmas with a new, shiny novel. I've compiled a list of all the 'short stories' I've written that haven't worked because they were novels  in the making. I've played around with characters and situations from those. I've started to write what I thought was a beginning but somehow it all seems to be lacking in life and the novel stubbornly refuses to grow. I love writing, I love the thrill of the daily word count, I don't have any problem writing when I just have a few moments. So why isn't this one coming to life? Answers on a postcard please...