Tuesday 11 June 2013

Character doubles

So, my main character, Clare, is a bit more lively now I've given her Muriel to play with. I can feel Clare's sense of humour coming across in dialogue with Muriel. However, (gosh, why is there always an 'however'?) Muriel reminds me of Miriam. Miriam was a character from another novel who served as my main character's confidante, to dispense advice and a shoulder to cry on, when necessary. She also provided information on the new town my character was living in, which was much more fun than endless paragraphs of rather dreary exposition.
So maybe I need to change Muriel just a little so that she doesn't end up as an exact double of Miriam. I'm not sure if there is anything wrong with 'character doubles' but when they sound the same, heck, when they even have names beginning with the same initial, is there not a risk that the faithful reader will feel a little bit short-changed?
I can just hear them now: "She hasn't made an effort at all, you know. Muriel's exactly the same as Miriam in the last book."
As well they might. I think I might have answered my own question...

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